Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Busy Bee!

Let's catch up guys, forgive me for the impromptu hiatus but there's a good explanation for it. I'm leaving for Lagos a week early so I need to finish all my deadlines ASAP.  I also had a presentation as well and that went well thank God, I thought I was going to mess it up and mix up my words but It actually went better than I expected. So yes I've been busy but I promise to improve I really miss blogging. Don't forget to follow the blog guys and leave comments as well...

Before I go let me leave you with a few things I've watched and enjoyed recently.
Every Kanye Sample Ever
I used to be a die hard Kanye fan but not so much anymore but this just reminded me of what a genius he is.

Real Story Of Nigeria
An insight into the history of the great country of Nigeria... I loved it. My fave part? "I'm A Hustla", look out for that part if you watch it. Loved the Fela parts as well, forever a fan!

Hope you're all fine and having a good week so far!

P.S: Guess who bought a new camera? x


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