Monday, 30 December 2013

My Fave 2013 Outfits

It's the first day of 2014 on Tuesday and I'm happy that I've had a good run with 2013, I'm honestly ready for the new year and all that God has planned for me cuz 2013 was awesome and He was good to me. I know that God's been good to you if you are alive to read this post so please, be sure to thank Him amidst the merriment of the season. :)

Thanks to Him I got my first nephew Efe, I graduated from Uni, got a job and survived NYSC camp, met the most amazing person (hello sir!), bought my dream bag and let go of some unwanted baggage as well. I've learnt so much and grown a lot more this passed year and by His grace I'm only going to get better because He is not done with me. I might be leaving somethings out but I want to thank God for the most important thing of all, Life.

If I didn't have life I wouldn't even have this blog and lovely followers like you who visit my blog so often even when I'm clearly slacking or when life gets in the way, and I say thank you again! 

I thought of doing this post a while ago and I never really worked on it but my friend Sade of inmysundaybest had like the best layout and she inspired me to finally do it! These aren't all my outfits from 2013 but I'd say they are my fave ones hence the post title, and looking back I'd say they were pretty decent so it's safe to say I'm proud of my 2013 style choices. I'm no stylist but I think I've nailed it when it comes to looking stylish but still being comfortable and the best thing is I'm still growing and my style is still evolving.
I hope you enjoy this post and have an awesome new year celebration as 2013 comes to an end! xo


Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone!

It's almost midnight but Merry Christmas Everyone!!! 
May the joy of the Lord be with you all this season and I hope everyone had a wonderful day, I know I did! 
My heart goes out to all those who have lost their loved ones this season, I pray the Lord comforts you all and you find joy in Him amidst the pain you may feel. It's so sad that the best times of the year are usually the times that negative people choose to steal the joy of others. People wake up in the morning, pray and plan their whole day ahead of them. Only to get on with it and not even get the chance to have dinner with their family that night or say goodbye to them. It's so unfortunate.
To those of us lucky to see this day, I pray our lives are preserved till 2014 and it'll be a great year for us all. May God protect us all.
That's me in my "christmas dress", makes me remember the times when I was much younger and getting a christmas outfit became an ultimatum for almost everything I did. Like do this or no christmas dress, do that or no christmas shoe, now we buy our own christmas outfit depending on the funds available lol. Sometimes I wish I could be that young again, I don't even get christmas gifts anymore, sad times.
So how did you spend this special day? 
I spent mine with family stuffing my face with food, after going to church :)
A little advice, don't blow all you money on christmas or eat for the world in one day, cuz by His grace there's going to be a tomorrow and you want to have some food and money left over!
Ok, enough chit chat. I do have some outfit posts lined up, some old some new and they'll be up sometime soon, even more pictures from today as well!
Thanks again for your support and for always visiting my blog! God bless! x

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Orange Boots

Well hello there!
I'm not about to give an excuse for my recent hiatus because we should already know that sometimes life gets in the way of things. Then there's the issue of irregular internet which is so annoying but life goes on anyway. I think I've almost forgotten how to blog... but let's get on with it and we'll see

I've been trying to sort out myself and continue with NYSC, seriously cannot wait till this NYSC year is over honestly, and I haven't even started actual service!
The extent to which things are disorganized seriously baffles me, like it definitely irritating but all I can do is laugh. How do you post corpers to places (schools and such) that don't even take NYSC corpers in the first place? then when they get rejected there's a whole merry go round process they have to go through to get a place to work then get accepted and THEN do the necessary registration processes that can take almost one week depending on the moods of the people you meet there. 
From what my parents and older relatives have told me, it was fun back in the day like people actually looked forward to going for their service year but now its just something else. Like a necessary evil and unnecessary stress, it's just ridiculous.
Even after venting from now till tomorrow, shey I will still do the one year service? Sigh
You should also check Feyi's blog for more pictures and her NYSC experience story.

Just incase you missed it (because I know my last blog spot was total rubbish), I did a feature with Fola! I absolutely love her blogs, the info, features, everything! Please check it out here and show my girl some love!

Continue reading for more NYSC pictures. The good, the bad and the ugly pants that just won't fit ^^^

Thursday, 21 November 2013

News & Shoutouts!

Heya! Hope everyone's fine. Sorry I've been slacking with the blog, but I'll be back soon I promise.

I want to give shout outs to two blog readers I recently met, Wilmer (from NYSC camp) and Gabriel, a rather frequent commenter and reader of my blog who also goes to my church! Thanks for always visiting my blog and leaving comments too, I really appreciate it all!

I also want to give another shout out to Fola!
She's gotta blog called Fola's Oasis which I love and she's just featured me as a hair crush on her blog! Be sure to check it out guys and shower some love. Click here for more.

Xclamations is also having an unveiling tomorrow and on Saturday as well, check the details on the invite below and make sure you spread the word and come too!

Sorry for the change in font guys, I'm trying to blog from my iPad and its just a mess! X

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Choose Wisely continued - Peace Oseyenum

So this is a continuation of this post I put up on Sunday and it's for the ladies, enjoy!

Dear Madame,
I understand that you need stability, as a man I must provide, as a female you need protection and security.
I mean how could I take you from the comfort if your fathers house and bring you a world of unnecessary struggle due to my inability to save and work hard to provide for our household.
But if I told you that money wasn't the all in all, would you still be committed?
If I lost it all today would you still reflect the unconditional love of God?
Would you still respect me?
Would you still submit?
I can assure you now, that if there is any doubt in your mind that any if the above Qs have the answer of no. It's best we go our separate ways now.
It's not because I don't love you, it's because I don't want you to be with me for the things that I have the same way you don't want me to chose you for the looks you have.
The bible doesn't promises a problem free life, in fact he warns us that trials and tribulations will come! So babe are you that helpmate?
Are you the one to calm the storm or will you just add thunder?
Are you the supporter or the hater?
Will you intercede with me at hard-times or gossip with your girls about our problems.
He who finds a wife finds a good thing... So choose wisely.

Stay blessed guys! x

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My 'Carrie' Dress

So what's the story with this post today? It's not much honestly, these pictures are quite old and I don't know why I never put them up. 
Let's call it a Throwback Tuesday!
This dress reminds me so much of the pink dress Carrie Bradshaw (Sex And The City) wore on a date with Aleksandr Petrovsky, a dress he personally got for her from his 'friend' Oscar (Oscar de la Renta). Sigh, to be friends with Oscar de la Renta... Carrie just always knew the right people! 
In a perfect world I'd want to raid her closet and "borrow" somethings for a lifetime, that's not stealing. Or her phonebook/contact list or just be her best friend lol. Imagine me being the 5th wheel in SATC, that wouldn't even make any sense. 
It's nice to let your imagination run wild once in a while, sha just remember where reality is... and right now for me, it's Lagos Nigeria, NYSC camp Iyana Ipaja to be exact
Dress from Aubin & Wills, Zara shoes, Chanel bag and thrifted belt.
But honestly I day dream and think a lot, sometimes a little too much! I find myself always playing back scenes from my past, thinking of what I could have said or shouldn't have said. Especially when you want to give someone a piece of your mind but the minute you want to, the peace of the Lord overwhelms you and you just brush it off. Meanwhile 2 minutes later you are thinking of all the insults that could have come in handy or how you'd have eyed the victim or given them a good hiss. Some can go as far as slaps and smacks, but physical violence is not for me, thanks!
Ok back to my outfit... I just had to wear my blue shoes that I spoke about in an earlier post. I looove them, I don't care if they go with what I'm wearing or not, I want to wear them All The Time!! I wore this to work anyway, hope you like! 
If you're a SATC fan like me, you should check this old marrie claire post about Carrie's best quotes here. I could remember almost ever episode each quote what used, and why it was said and who it was being said to... ay, I Love SATC! 
I added a few of the quotes after the cut with a few more pictures as well.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Choose Wisely - Peace Oseyenum

I don't think anyone is as excited as I am whenever Peace features on my blog, I just love her and everything that flow out of her head/heart! So without further delay, here's another one from Peace dedicated to the guys. If you're a lady reading this and you know a few guys that would like this or benefit from it then don't hesitate to share this link with them.
Dear Sir,
If my hair is the reason you chose me well it's a weave
If my natural hair is the reason you chose me, well there's a possibility that I could go back to a texturizer
If it's the height; I wear heals
If it's the physique; I could blow up after in give birth
If it's the smile; not everything makes me laugh
If it's the personality; I get mood swings
If it's my eyes; they are actually very small
If it's my coco brown skin well unfortunately I'm not blemish free
The problem about choosing me based on my eternal beauty is that it's fleeting and won't last forever. Yes I am fearfully and wonderfully made but so is the other girl
If you chose me based on my character alone well praise God but even that is changing everyday, by Gods grace. You see It's a continuous process of pruning and fruit bearing so even choosing me based on character is still a dangerous decision. So what then? Well if your decision had anything to do with being led by the spirit of God and not fleshly desires then we are making progress. If your decision is also coupled by your desire to fulfil the will of God concerning your life we are hitting some golden nuggets. Ultimately though, if your decision is to love Christ and allow him to continue a good work in you so that you yourself can translate that unconditional love to your helpmate, we have hit a powerful point. They say he who finds a wife finds a good thing. Choose wisely.
To be continued...

I just love it! Keep checking back for the continuation, specially for the ladies! x

Friday, 8 November 2013

First Few Days at NYSC Camp

These pictures are not the best but I'll take better ones soon, I was feeling a little sleepy in this first picture hence the weird smile and tired eyes *yawn* and I'm still tired & sleepy.
That's me at Mami Market, trying to make new khaki trousers, mine didn't quiiiiite fit and I'm assuming we all know why... But I'm not big, I'm moderate lol 
With my cousin Uki and I've got 2 more cousins at camp! Yay me! 
Mirabel and I at Mami Market about to eat and then decided to take a picture.
It's been tiring so far, but I'll do a proper blog post on it all later with better pictures, just thought I'd show a few pictures. x

Monday, 4 November 2013


I didn't go for any of the Felabration events but with this Mr Garbe shirt I was definitely celebrating with the them in the spirit. You'd remember this shirt from my "Yellow Fever" post, it was still a complete round neck shirt then but I've cut it to what you see now. I got tired of staining it with my make up and messing up my hair every time I wanted to wear it so I decided to cut it up. Honestly I didn't follow any guidelines to get this slouchy look (that I LOVE), so my advice to anyone who wants to do this, just know what you have in mind and cut according to that. You can make an outline, you can even cut the sleeves a little more or make holes at that back of the shirt, I've seen some youtube tutorials with that. I just wanted a wider neckline and viola!
I kinda wish I wore this for my second day at fashion week on Friday (25th Oct), but I wore a white lace top instead just to be safe, I'd have pictures from that up soon. I did get compliments especially at work before I left for the show, but I think this would have obviously been a lot more edgier than safe (especially with my shades).

Thursday, 31 October 2013

One Colour Girl

Trying to be a "one colour girl" like my Toyin of The Soho Sister blog, do check her out, I'm in love with her blog and I love her style especially her all white outfits cuz I can never seem to pull off that look but she does it so well. She's quite the monochromist herself, check out this blue outfit she wore here, it was this post that made me look for a similar outfit and here we are! I wore this to work and everyone loved it thinking it was a dress lol, thanks for the inspiration Toyin!
The top is from Zara (loving the low back), Asos skirt, belt's from And Other stories and my sandals are from New Look.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Switch Over to the Victory Channel

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things.”
(Philippians 4:8, NKJV)


Monday, 28 October 2013

Print & Lace

 Church outfit! This one is quite old but I thought I'd put it up anyway, still loving my lady like midi skirts and my blue shoes too!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and you're having a great week as well. I am, but I'm definitely not looking forward to what is to come, NYSC camp. Help me Lord Jesus... I don't want to goooooo!!! :(

Friday, 25 October 2013


Well hello there Friday! I almost didn't see you!!
Been so busy this week, but I thank God because some people are looking for work and things to do so I cannot even try to complain. 
As you all know I'm currently working at Xclamations as an in-house designer and we just recently showed our new collection at GTBank LFDW on Wednesday the 23rd. If you missed it I have all the pictures from our collection but I'm sure Bella Naija and the official LFDW site have pictures from other designers as well. I've also been for the different days so I'll update the blog with pictures from those but I've interrupted my scheduled posts for the blog to update you guys on my over all experience on the day of the show!

Runway Collection

As promised, here's the runway collection for Xclamations at GTBank LFDW, Enjoy!
Continue for more pictures...

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Saturday Wedding

Wore this for my cousins wedding a few weeks ago and it's from Xclamations. Love the colour block lace detail on the dress, it's  really simple so that really is the glam factor of  the dress.
 I decided to go with these purple heels to pick on the purple lace on the dress, all in the spirit of colour blocking. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Runway Preparation

 GTB Lagos Fashion and Design Week is coming up soon and Xclamations is showing on Wednesday 23rd! We've been working on new things so I'm very excited to see how it all comes out and by the grace of God the will go well! We had model fittings on Friday and I thought I'd take quick pictures for the blog. Continue for more pictures and a brief review about my day!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Importance of Praise & Worship - Peace Oseyenum

It is essential to develop a heart of praise and thanksgiving. If you neglect praise than you are robbing God of the gratitude he should receive, ultimately even if we praised him for all eternity it still wouldn't be enough therefore for us to not praise him at all is wrong! It is also vital to praise God because of who he is; he is faithful, merciful and loving and therefore deserves our all in all, when we do not habitually praise we habitually complain, moan and grow into depression when we don't get what we want when we want, as if it's all about us. So I encourage you to develop an intimate relationship with God whereby you seek his face and not just his hand, that you seek know him for yourself and not just for ministering purposes, that you actually grow to love him and be transformed in his very presence. 
Imagine you spent 5 hours just worshipping and praising God, no interruptions, no distractions what do you think will happen? Now you don't have to spend 5 hours with God but we all know that we can spend 5 hours with our friends some of us even speak on the phone for 5 hours some of us scroll on Instagram for more! So what more with our maker? Let us "#PushForIntimacy" and with that develop a heart of gratitude that isn't circumstances based or based on material things that will perish on this earth anyway. 
Praising and thanking God for who he is and not what we can get is true praise. I mean we simply cannot praise God only on what we have as we will never be stable, the bible doesn't promise us a journey with no issues rather it encourages us to have faith, to live by faith and not by faith, to not lean on our own understanding but to trust him, it teaches us to remain steadfast in times of troubles, trials, tribulations and suffering. So can you see that praising God when only things go our way is inconsistent? Also understand that we are not God and therefore do not know the beginning middle and end, so it would be wiser to trust God and praise him in all things seeing that the bible promises us that God will never leave nor fore-sake us and that he makes all things work out for those that love him and are called to his purpose. Therefore it would be unwise to complain, moan, be ungrateful and depressed as we can't see the end product. 
Remember God is kind and loving, so even though something painful takes place learn to trust that God is in control and that it has a purpose. When Joseph (the dreamer) received a vision in his teenage years it didn't come to pass until much later in his life, and the journey he had was extremely painful and strenuous, infact based on his process that vision/dream didn't seem like it was ever going to happen. But atlas when everything fell into place, (the good and the bad) Joseph was able to say that "The Lord had made him fruitful in the land of his afflictions". So calm down, stop crying, stop the self-pity and rebuke the enemies lies. being anxious profits nobody! Therefore make your requests known unto God with thanksgiving and the let the peace of God bring rest. Start your praise journey today!

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Workflow: The Denim Skirt

So on two different work days I wore this denim skirt I got from Zara, I love it. I've already thought of all the different ways I can style it. Denim is a basic neutral so anything goes to be honest, even denim on denim... Not Britney and Justin kinda denim, let's be tasteful about it.
Outfit 1: Primark pinstriped denim blazer, Topshop crop top, Zara denim skirt & bag and Next sandals
Outfit 2: Zara top, skirt & shoes LOL!
Let me just say I am absolutely in love with these blue shoes, obsessed! When I bought it I wanted to wear it with everything, I didn't even care if it looked nice or not, I just wanted everyone to see my Blue Shoes! I'd say it's one of my best impulse purchases this year, I got it last minute at the airport on my way to Lagos.
Continue for more pictures...

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Throwback Thursday with Sheila

I few Sundays ago I met Sheila (@mizz_sheilao on instagram) at my cousin's church and she visits my blog, thanks again Sheila! She's also got a blog so make sure you check it out, it's called Sheila's Musings, just click the link.
I absolutely love her outfit especially her necklace & red shoes... Those red shoes! Reminds me of Judy Garland's shoes in Alice in Wonderland. Somewhere over the rainbow in a perfect world, those red shoes would be MINE! Lol I had to.
Continue for more pictures

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Leather Collar

I don't wear a lot of leather except its a jacket, accessories or little details in the outfit like this top from Zara with a leather collar. I've never been a believer of leather pants, somehow I don't think it'd be very flattering for me but maybe it's all in my mind. If I ever overcome this thought and try it on, I'll let you know if there's any change of heart.
I've had these twists in now for about three weeks, they look really rough I know but I'll take them out soon. I've got a wedding coming up soon and I don't want to look like scraps. Even though my outfit is nice, rough hair can turn things sour, very sour. Not forgetting the unheard insults you will receive, "they will carry rough hair and say it is natural hair", or someone will ask why I did not "make" or "comb" my hair Lol. Speaking of hair and insults, this post on my cousin's blog is one you should definitely read especially if you are natural, "someone" gave her some unnecessary "feedback" about her appearance. Read about it here.
Zara top & Asos shoes

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

2013 Jewelry Collection for Anita Quansah London

Simply Amazing works of Art... I'm in Love!
The colours, the details, everything about these pieces are absolutely stunning.
I have a thing for jewelry and the usual African looking ones from Zara and the rest, but this just takes it to a whole new level. I don't know why I'm just hearing about this brand!
I'm assuming the pricing will be as extravagant and lavish as the pieces so for now, I'll just drool over here by my laptop, no harm done.
But if I ever owned one of these show stopper pieces, they'd always be the star of my outfit. 
They'd even makes dressing up a little easier! 
You don't have to do too much, the jewelry carries the whole outfit. :)
 Lace? Ankara? Feathers? I'm a believer, I love them all!

Back in Lagos

"Are you Kitten me right Meow", I'm on an Okada! As a cool kid you know B-)
But don't you just love my top?
Are you Kitten me right Meow?
I've been back in Lagos for over a month now and I took these pictures the 1st week I got in so this post is long over due. 
Forever 21 top, River Island pants, Zara sunglasses (I LOVE)
Lots more after the cut :)


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