Monday, 17 March 2014

Lucky Number Three

I'm not just saying this cuz that's the number on the shirt but 3 is actually one of my fave/lucky numbers, I have a thing for odd numbers like 5, 7 and the like but somehow I do not want an odd number of kids. Speaking of numbers, when I'm increasing a tv volume and it shows numbers... I always have to increase or decrease but the number 5. I also count steps sometimes when I'm climbing them and get excited when they are odd number, even numbers are boring with steps (lol it's all in my head). Weird Fun facts about me, but hey we all have a little weirdness hidden in us somewhere so leave a comment and don't be scared to share some of yours!
I almost made all the pictures black & white, I just thought it made it all look a lot better and I'm really loving how bad I look in these pictures by the way, channeling my inner tomboy. I've never really considered myself a total girly girl but I have my days. Some days you wake up and want to be Marylin other days you just want to be Kristen Stewart wearing a pair of comfy converse at a red carpet event. Whatever works, just as long as you feel good, sometimes feeling good actually makes you look good/better and confidence takes that outfit to another level. It's like if I wore a white dress to an event and spilled red wine all over it and there's no way I can change... Maybe I'd avoid picture or try to cover it up if I had to take a photo but I'm not about to hide cuz ain't nobody got time for that. Well it'll pain me and I won't even lie about that... FACT is I'll b crying inside but you better ROCK that stain and be confident, it's all about confidence so be a big girl about it.
The above scenario has actually happened to me once or twice, tried using my clutch to cover it up but the stain was on my chest so it didn't really work out I just looked weird trying to cover it up, like why are you holding your clutch so high up? So I rocked it!
Funny thing is, for some people, numbers make them confident. Having a number of things, knowing a number of people, how long it took you to do something, the number of zeros in your account. Sometimes it's good and other times not so good, it could come with greed, envy and all that nasty stuff you wouldn't want stored up unnecessarily in your head. It's like we're constantly trying to keep up with everyone else rather than focusing on yourself and your race. I've learnt that recently, keep a close circle of friends and know who's who, do a good job and always pick quality over quantity any day. Quality of friendships you have, quality of the work you put out there, the quality of love you give and even the love you receive.
OK I'm done! Enjoy the rest of the pictures.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Blogger Style Swap & Style HQ

Hey guys, just wanted to ask you to check out Kunmi's blog The Lady, Her Style & Her Lord, she's featured me in a style swap post she did on her blog. Love the idea! She's put together an outfit inspired by my mustard skirt outfit in this post here.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Blue & Orange

The return of the cobalt blazer
It's obviously one of my fave things cuz it's been on my blog a few times, it's also what I'm wearing in my header picture!
I wore this out for lunch over the weekend with my boo Mirabel. You should check out her tumblr page here, she's always had a good eye for photography and now she's sharing pictures of her own and other interesting stuff.
Once again this blazer is thrifted, got it when I was still in London. I ordered it from the Culture Cynic (now The Cynic and the Wardrobe) in America and it took ages before I could get it. Maybe it's the hustle that makes me love it more I don't know but I just love it, especially because of the colour.
And yes I've also changed my hair :)
I really like the simplicity of this outfit and I like to think the word simple really explains my style in a nutshell, I don't really do too much.
White cami from Asos, American Apparel riding pants, Zara shoes and the belt is a gift from my sister or maybe I actually borrowed it and never returned it...! Lol


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