Saturday, 15 March 2014

Blogger Style Swap & Style HQ

Hey guys, just wanted to ask you to check out Kunmi's blog The Lady, Her Style & Her Lord, she's featured me in a style swap post she did on her blog. Love the idea! She's put together an outfit inspired by my mustard skirt outfit in this post here.
I've also been part of a photoshoot recently for @thestylehqofficial and you'll be hearing a lot more about it soon incase you missed my instagram post about being the style editor :)
So click here and keep refreshing for updates!



  1. wow you look lovely in that dress.

  2. You look lovely in the dress, I need dresses like this in my closet cos its so comfy and pretty. I saw the post on the blogger's website. Yellow looks good on you I must say :).

    1. Thank you!!
      The dress is from Tiffany Amber, not advised if you're on a budget tho! Lol xx

  3. Adetutu Obateru17 March 2014 at 11:24

    I love love love it! This is beautiful.

  4. Eki!! I love your skin! What do you use to achieve such an even skin tone? I'm having issues achieving this. Help!

    1. Thank you
      I don't use anything in particular, my routine is all over the place but I'd do a post on it soon.
      You might want to look into improving skin care before toning, diet also plays a major part. You should also check youtube and see who may have a similar problem and skin type as you, you'd learn a thing or two from their experiences. I hope this helps, I'm not exactly a guru at this. xx

    2. Thank you. I'll do just that and wait for your post on it too! :D

  5. I was looking forward to your next post.
    That yellow dress is so beautiful, and you look good in it loving the hair too.

  6. I love that mustard skirt, the color mustard is so mature and cool. Nice post and that dress, i like it. here is what i also did with mustard.

  7. that flowy gown is the description of comfy and it on ur skin tone too


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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