Saturday, 7 September 2013

Lace Collar

It's quite obvious by now that I was deceiving myself when I thought I'd gotten my mojo back, honestly I thought I had it but I don't know where it's gone again. Oh well...
So on this day I went out with my long lost love Sade of In My Sunday Best. She is the most gorgeous girl and you need to check out her blog, when I'm not blogging I'm stalking her and so many other blogs that I follow.
We had a major catch up session over lunch and the most delish sweet potato fries, which I sadly cannot get back in Lagos so I had to savor the moment. We also went shopping, window shopping et al, moving back to Lagos is making me go crazy with shopping these days it unbelievable. 
 Asos top 
American Apparel riding pants 
Next sandals



  1. Lol. I like the last picture.
    And I love sade's blog too!

  2. Oh my! Is that your hair?? beautiful!

    1. Yes it is! Thank you! Love your vlogs btw!!!

  3. Hi , you don't have to blame yourself about not being able to get your MOJO back this is bcos subscribers like me understand that aftrer SKOOL(UNI),you'll be maturing from one level of experience to the other and it might be a bite challenging. Don't worry, all will be well. I love your post it does make a world of sense


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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