Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Orange Boots

Well hello there!
I'm not about to give an excuse for my recent hiatus because we should already know that sometimes life gets in the way of things. Then there's the issue of irregular internet which is so annoying but life goes on anyway. I think I've almost forgotten how to blog... but let's get on with it and we'll see

I've been trying to sort out myself and continue with NYSC, seriously cannot wait till this NYSC year is over honestly, and I haven't even started actual service!
The extent to which things are disorganized seriously baffles me, like it definitely irritating but all I can do is laugh. How do you post corpers to places (schools and such) that don't even take NYSC corpers in the first place? then when they get rejected there's a whole merry go round process they have to go through to get a place to work then get accepted and THEN do the necessary registration processes that can take almost one week depending on the moods of the people you meet there. 
From what my parents and older relatives have told me, it was fun back in the day like people actually looked forward to going for their service year but now its just something else. Like a necessary evil and unnecessary stress, it's just ridiculous.
Even after venting from now till tomorrow, shey I will still do the one year service? Sigh
You should also check Feyi's blog for more pictures and her NYSC experience story.

Just incase you missed it (because I know my last blog spot was total rubbish), I did a feature with Fola! I absolutely love her blogs, the info, features, everything! Please check it out here and show my girl some love!

Continue reading for more NYSC pictures. The good, the bad and the ugly pants that just won't fit ^^^
Here's me trying to take some OOTD pictures... fail

Please notice my matching purse and boots... I tried hard Lol 

The boring lectures! The worst! Talkin'bout being a corper is a "blessing"... really? kmt

Pictures from the last day with Mirabel, Feyi, Ilo, Bismarck, and the whole i just got back crew! Lol
And from my last NYSC post, you'll notice that my pants still don't fit... lmao
Check out my tan guys, that sun was not even normal. It's like sunscreen even made it worse!
It was an a horrid experience, it was fun and I thank God.
Sorry no man o war death trap pictures, Stay Alive People!
Speaking of, while I was off the blogosphere we lost Paul Walker and the great Nelson Mandela. May their souls rest in peace and may The Lord continue to protect us all as we live to fulfill our work on earth and what He has sent us to do & created us for, before He calls us home. Amen.



  1. #1 - Where is that statue of the NYSC boots?! Loves it!
    #2 - I hope you found your phone
    #3 - I don't envy you just starting out with NYSC :p

    1. It was at the NYSC camp
      No I didn't had to get a new one
      Thanks so much Berry, x

  2. awwwww! and yes, where did you find that statue of the nysc boots?

  3. my NYSC pics weren't this glam

  4. thanks for the love babe! loool @ matching your boots to your bag.

    1. You're welcome! A blogger's gotta do what she gotta do! lol thanks girl x

  5. LOL defs don't miss this!
    Thanks for the shoutout buubs :D
    Hope you found your phone

  6. Haha.. i was sleeping in my room most times..the lectures were so damn boring!
    To think I was in lagos camp as well batch C 2013 and I never saw those boots.

    1. Lol...! I know! They were there on the final day, by the gate


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