Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Hair Talk: My Routine

Everyone has a routine that works for them, it could be for skin care, exercise and fitness or even a routine to simply get ready in the morning. In this post I'll be talking about my hair care routine that has been the norm for me for over 2 years. This could help inspire your hair care routine (if you don't already have one) and help create something that works best for you and the health of your hair.

I’m always doing one protective style or the other, which I usually have on for about 2 weeks to a month. While my hair is hidden I spray a water and coconut oil mixture in my hair whenever I feel it getting a bit dry. Sometimes if I can, I'll put in some leave in conditioner or I might even co-wash my hair depending on the protective style I have on.

The Curly 'Fro
When I take the style out I detangle, wash and deep condition. When it comes to deep conditioning, some people do it before washing and some people do it after, sometimes I prefer both because I love to co-wash my hair. I just really love having conditioner in my hair and I think co-washing and deep conditioning are about the same if not very similar. What do you think? And do you prefer to deep condition your hair before or after washing? (Leave a comment and let me know :)

Depending on how my hair feels I could do a protein or hot oil treatment but my favourite thing to do is deep condition.
After my wash day process, I do bantu twists myself for a twist out look the next morning. This is my favourite natural hair style to rock, the curly 'fro.

When I've pampered my hair enough and had it out for about a week or two (sometimes even longer), I wash it again and get it ready for the next protective style.
And the cycle continues.

It will interest you to know that I go to O'naturals hair salon in Ojota to do anything and everything to my hair, I love it there. Still on the fence about dying my hair though it's something I've always wanted to try.

In the next hair talk post I'll be sharing bits on my wash day struggles routine.
Hope you found this helpful. Also, do you prefer to deep condition your hair before or after washing? leave a comment below and tell me why too.
Have a great week. x


  1. you look so beautiful, wow. i love to deep condition my hair after washing. xx

  2. very simple routine... I like.
    please where can I get directions to O'naturals salon?
    got lost once..

  3. Please what do you use to deep condition your hair?

  4. waoh! was on kamdora when you were mentioned. i decided to check out your blog and mehn you blew me away with nature and its aura.

    And i must say "you are an epitome of true beauty" xoxo.

  5. You are very beautiful dear! You motivate me alot! I'm still trying to decide weda to transition or not! It's scary!


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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