Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Darling Introduces A Breakthrough New Hairstyling App

Darling, the leading hair extensions brand in Sub-Saharan Africa, has stormed the digital space in Nigeria with the Darling Hair Booth App. The app will help women be their own stylists, transforming the way they style their hair.
Speaking about the breakthrough hairstyling app, Mr. Sanjiv Jetly, Managing Director, Darling Nigeria, said: 
"We are very pleased to offer this digital innovation which strengthens our commitment to bring the latest hairstyling trends to our customers in Nigeria. The Darling brand stands for beauty and is an enabler for every African woman to transform the way she looks. With this app, we have created an avenue through which women can express themselves in an exciting, dynamic way. Our customers can now try new and trendy hairstyles on the go!”

The Power to discover your new hairstyle, now on your fingertips!
We know you love to experiment with you hair styles, transforming from a curly diva to the braided girl next door.
But we admit choosing you next hairstyle is never an easy decision. Whether you should rock the straight hair look, you saw on instagram or emulate the style of your favourite celebrity, is always the question.
But not anymore!
For the first time in the history of Africa, discovery of your next hairstyle is at the touch of your fingertips. Nigeria's leading hair extension brand, Darling, is transforming the way you style your hair and gives you the power to be you own stylist with the Darling Hair Booth app.
Darling wants to empower women with the tool that makes the process of choosing their next style fun and easy. With the Darling Hair Booth app, you can now be your own stylist. Choose your next hairstyle from a variety of Darling styles and try it out LIVE!
You can also share the look with you friends or just save it for your next hairdo.
And that's not all! The app has a lot of other exciting features and amazing rewards.

For more information:
Download the App here:


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