Friday, 29 July 2016

Favourites Friday: Lipstick Colours #LipstickDay Special!

Hey guys!
It's #LipstickDay today!
I'm doing something a little different today, I'm sharing my favourite lipstick colours with you.
I got my makeup professionally done once and I didn't it like what this particular makeup artist did so later on I thought why waste it?
I made some adjustments to the makeup to the best of my ability and I did a shoot with some of my favourite lipsticks, let me know what you think.
These aren't all my lip colours but these are the ones I reach for most times.

Girl About Town by MAC

So Chaud by MAC

Ruby Woo by MAC

Rebel by MAC

Sometimes I mix colours and my favourite blend is Girl About Town & Rebel.
See example from my old posts.

Another one of my favourite lipstick colours is Rapunzel by TAOS
I've worn it quite a lot in my old posts. Sometimes I use it with a brown lipliner, Chestnut by MAC, other times I rock it plain.

Hope you enjoyed this post, something a little different.
Let me know what you think!



  1. I Love So Chaud & Rebel - they are my favorite quick go-to lipsticks to add a little glam!
    Loved the looks, I defo wanna try TAOS makeup soon. Thanks Eki!

  2. Love the way you draw your eyebrows Eki. You look pretty in all the lip colours,my favourite is the Rapunzel lip colour. xx

  3. You're definitely a MAC girl.

    Nice colors though.

    Berry Dakara Blog

  4. These are lovely pictures Eki. You've impeccable style in selecting colours, clothes and styles that compliment your features. Thumbs up girl.

    P.S. It's a bit of a pity - though not a tragic one - that your 9-5 job at BN distracts you from posting here regularly like you used to. Your brand is here. Don't lose it.

  5. So chaud and Ruby woo for the win!

  6. So chaud and Ruby woo for the win!

  7. So chaud and Ruby woo for the win!

  8. Love the Ruby Woo. absolutely flawless and stunning.


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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