Friday, 26 April 2013

3 Years Natural and Loving it!

Happy Birthday to my hair! Honestly I don't know if today is the exact date but I know I did my big chop a little before my 18th birthday in the month of April.

That's a picture of me a little after the big chop, it was quite a shock for my family but they got used to it eventually. I didn't let them know I was going natural, I just went ahead and did it. I just came home for summer one day with really short hair from the long relaxed hair they were used to seeing me with, the change was a little too drastic.
I did a little interview on my cousin's natural hair blog, you can check that out here.

But basically I went natural because I was tired of constantly having to put relaxers in my hair. I have patience for anything that has to do with having my hair done but when it came to "retouching" my hair I hated it. At this time I never even knew ladies rocked their hair in it's natural state I was considering having short hair for te rest of my life until I spoke to my friend Tayo and she showed me the light. Once I did my research I was hooked cuz I love big curly hair! (That's pretty obvious from my wigs, lol)

And here's a picture of my relaxed hair in all it's glory lol...
It was fun while it lasted. My hair grows fast so I would always cut my relaxed hair into different styles and I never really cared cuz I knew it would grow back. But I constantly had side bangs tho as you can see for the picture, I think my hair was just about bra strap length before I cut it.
When I went to the salon to get it cut... EVERYONE there seemed to have developed a personal attachement to MY OWN HAIR! Asking why I want to cut it, don't I want to be pretty, the hair seems healthy so why do I want to start over. It got so bad, the hairdresser refused to cut it so I had to look for someone else who was willing to. Funny thing is the second person I found eventually still didn't give me the big chop I wanted so I had to settle for Rihanna looking hair, one of the really short ones she had back in the day. I had to wait for my aunt to use a clipper on it when I got back to Lagos, she was used to cutting her own hair so I trusted her to hook me up and she did. She had short hair at the time so I'm guessing that's why she has no emotional attachment to it, but my mum & sister still couldn't understand why I was doing all that to myself Lol.

So moving on to more recent pictures...

I did have thoughts to cut it off because the longer it grows the more tedious it is to handle and I will not put a relaxer in my hair again so another big chop is the only other option. But for now I'm loving the hair and how full it is. Maybe if life gets to busy I might texturize or cut it but that's much later on.

Hope you enjoyed my hair history and big chop story.
If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section.
Bye! x


  1. wow this is a GOOD,BETTER YOU.

  2. Dd you cut your hair completely? Or did you just cut off the relaxed bits and left the natural bit on?

  3. Ur natural hair is really beautiful...
    Steadily oppressing us :(

  4. Hahaha! Thank God we both saw the light! Your hair is absolutely beautiful Miss Killz ;D
    <3 Xx

  5. What did you do to your hair in those last pictures, it looks so nice x

    1. Thank you! I stretched it with braids over night. Sort of like a blow out but with less heat cuz I used low heat in the morning before unraveling the braids. x


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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