Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Facebook Page

Hey everyone! 
I've just recently started a Facebook page for the blog, trying to increase my social media presence :)
Please visit, like and share the page. I'll be posting a lot more random things on there like pictures that don't make it through the edit for blog posts and more day to day activities like events and other stuff so like the page if you want to see more of that.
Here's the link Facebook or click the Facebook tab after the header.
Thanks again for always visiting the blog guys! I really appreciate the love, you guys are awesome. 
I Salute! x


1 comment

  1. I salute,Appriciate and Celebrate you for always keeping me posted on daily bases.
    I know it has been a little challenging but it is pretty obvious that you've been soaring on the wings of GRACE.


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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