Thursday, 14 November 2013

Choose Wisely continued - Peace Oseyenum

So this is a continuation of this post I put up on Sunday and it's for the ladies, enjoy!

Dear Madame,
I understand that you need stability, as a man I must provide, as a female you need protection and security.
I mean how could I take you from the comfort if your fathers house and bring you a world of unnecessary struggle due to my inability to save and work hard to provide for our household.
But if I told you that money wasn't the all in all, would you still be committed?
If I lost it all today would you still reflect the unconditional love of God?
Would you still respect me?
Would you still submit?
I can assure you now, that if there is any doubt in your mind that any if the above Qs have the answer of no. It's best we go our separate ways now.
It's not because I don't love you, it's because I don't want you to be with me for the things that I have the same way you don't want me to chose you for the looks you have.
The bible doesn't promises a problem free life, in fact he warns us that trials and tribulations will come! So babe are you that helpmate?
Are you the one to calm the storm or will you just add thunder?
Are you the supporter or the hater?
Will you intercede with me at hard-times or gossip with your girls about our problems.
He who finds a wife finds a good thing... So choose wisely.

Stay blessed guys! x


  1. great write up, dearie pls do you mind if i share this article on my blog, i kindly await your reply. thanks.


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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