Sunday, 10 November 2013

Choose Wisely - Peace Oseyenum

I don't think anyone is as excited as I am whenever Peace features on my blog, I just love her and everything that flow out of her head/heart! So without further delay, here's another one from Peace dedicated to the guys. If you're a lady reading this and you know a few guys that would like this or benefit from it then don't hesitate to share this link with them.
Dear Sir,
If my hair is the reason you chose me well it's a weave
If my natural hair is the reason you chose me, well there's a possibility that I could go back to a texturizer
If it's the height; I wear heals
If it's the physique; I could blow up after in give birth
If it's the smile; not everything makes me laugh
If it's the personality; I get mood swings
If it's my eyes; they are actually very small
If it's my coco brown skin well unfortunately I'm not blemish free
The problem about choosing me based on my eternal beauty is that it's fleeting and won't last forever. Yes I am fearfully and wonderfully made but so is the other girl
If you chose me based on my character alone well praise God but even that is changing everyday, by Gods grace. You see It's a continuous process of pruning and fruit bearing so even choosing me based on character is still a dangerous decision. So what then? Well if your decision had anything to do with being led by the spirit of God and not fleshly desires then we are making progress. If your decision is also coupled by your desire to fulfil the will of God concerning your life we are hitting some golden nuggets. Ultimately though, if your decision is to love Christ and allow him to continue a good work in you so that you yourself can translate that unconditional love to your helpmate, we have hit a powerful point. They say he who finds a wife finds a good thing. Choose wisely.
To be continued...

I just love it! Keep checking back for the continuation, specially for the ladies! x

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