Monday, 4 November 2013


I didn't go for any of the Felabration events but with this Mr Garbe shirt I was definitely celebrating with the them in the spirit. You'd remember this shirt from my "Yellow Fever" post, it was still a complete round neck shirt then but I've cut it to what you see now. I got tired of staining it with my make up and messing up my hair every time I wanted to wear it so I decided to cut it up. Honestly I didn't follow any guidelines to get this slouchy look (that I LOVE), so my advice to anyone who wants to do this, just know what you have in mind and cut according to that. You can make an outline, you can even cut the sleeves a little more or make holes at that back of the shirt, I've seen some youtube tutorials with that. I just wanted a wider neckline and viola!
I kinda wish I wore this for my second day at fashion week on Friday (25th Oct), but I wore a white lace top instead just to be safe, I'd have pictures from that up soon. I did get compliments especially at work before I left for the show, but I think this would have obviously been a lot more edgier than safe (especially with my shades).

It got a little cold when I went out with the bf so I wore this print bomber jacket I got from Zara ages ago. x


  1. you look so cute... please how do you manage your hair?

    1. Thank you!
      I'll do a post on that soon, thanks for asking!

  2. Eki I love your hair/ twist out or bantu knot out. Do you have a tutorial? and how do you manage with the naija humidity?

    1. Thank you!
      BGG I'll do a post on that soon so be on the look out :)

  3. Oh my God. This girl get a very sweet Torso, lovely hips,smooth legs. Just my size lol

  4. You look amazing!
    I have wide hips like you and het outfits that fit perfectly especially skirts is a big problem.


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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