Monday, 24 August 2015

I Wish - Peace Oseyenum

I wish I was flawless, faultless, without sin. 
I wish you would search the motives and intentions of my heart and find no iniquity from within.
I long for a consistent pursuit of seeking the Father and emulating him. 
I wish for my total being to reflect him.
He didn't die for me to be lukewarm, mediocre, "not so bad". 
There must be more than this, there must be more depth than this.
How I long to put away every single distraction that can deter me from abiding in the bosom of my Father.
To bear much fruit, to do much exploits, to be like him; Jesus.
This is my heart cry, but why does it feel like nothing is shifting from me.
I get up I fall down, I wake up I slumber. I'm diligent I'm lazy, I'm selfish I'm self-fulfilling.
I can't serve two masters; either I dethrone my own will or obey yours.
I can't serve myself. I can't. I won't.
There, I will find truth and encouragement in the word of God, for I know my struggles are not new to man. I know that even David fell and rose up, I know that God's mercies are new every morning.
So I endure, and patiently wait in him. I trust that he is a God of purpose, process and promise.
He didn't die for me to be lukewarm, mediocre "not so bad". 
There IS more to this.

Have a great week ahead guys, live like there is more to this. x

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