Friday, 16 October 2015

Black Camel

The first of my sleeveless blazer looks. I tried to make this one the statement of the outfit by wearing all black but you can also throw this on with an all white outfit as well. I think this is my fave shade of brown; camel. Like this is my version of a camel coat or a trench coat in hot Nigeria. :)

Sleeveless blazer: New Look
Black tshirt: H&M
Black high waist jeans: American Apparel
Black heels: Dune
Bag: Chanel
Earrings: Vintage Chanel (from my mum)
 I'm in love with my hair pulled back like this.
To achieve this look I just did a blow out. I used more heat on the front of my hair to fake a straight look, while the rest was done with the tension method on not so high heat, mostly the cool setting.
On my lips I have a lipstick called Rapunzel and it's by a beauty brand called TAOS. It's my go to lip colour everyday now so you'll be seeing a lot of it.

Tried to be a little more casual with it so I changed my earrings to hoops and the heels to sandals with similar colours, what do you think?
Earrings: H&M
Sandals: Zara, but kampke has sandals with similar metallic details here here and here



  1. Wow I like this look!
    You look sensational, love all and
    the third and sixth shoots my fav.
    Congrats and Thank you FR!

  2. Do you ever have a bad style or hair day?!?!?!?!?!

    Berry Dakara Blog

    1. My sentiment exactly. I ;love the more look. No particular reason just that I see myself reaching more for it

  3. you look gorg love

  4. The coat...sigh
    Looking good

  5. Absolutely gorgeous my dear! You did justice to both.


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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