Monday, 4 February 2013


... And Big Hair!

And it's all MINE :)

Continue for moooore pictures

Usual foolishness, I think I was dancing.

In other news:
I'm so tired! Monday is my busiest day 9-5, had a test and so many deadlines coming up! But I thank God for the strength to cope with it all. Hope you liked the pictures and the outfit.
Blazer & Belt: Thrifted, American Apparel riding pants in black, Zara flats (love the gold details on it).
S/O to my darling Sa'a who came to visit over the weekend, love you! And Mirabel for the pictures.
DON'T FORGET to enter the GIVEAWAY guys! If you haven't enter here. Remember you have to be a follower and be subscribed to the blog, either by email or with your blogger/google account.
Not a lot of people have entered but you have 6 days left cuz it's open till the 10th :)
Enjoy the rest of the week guys, and I promise to keep updating the blog :) x



Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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