Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Valentines Day

This post is clearly coming really late but better late than never so I'm still gona post it anyway.
Inspiration for my outfit was my darling Solange, I'm in love with her & her style.
My picture isn't very clear but you get the gist.

The girls and I went to Champans for dinner, its a seafood restaurant. I love seafood so I kind of OD'd on it with Mirabel and ordered the seafood platter, see pictures after the cut.

So that's Mirabel, Eki, Ife, Demi & Arin :)

Food first!

The Ladies
Love Ife's shirt!

More random shots & outfits

A little cray

 Here you can see my shoes :)

Demi's cool vintage purse

Our fortunes for the night, mines bottom left.

Random drawing I found of Solange's outfit... Looks like me no?

Haha... Bye guys! x


  1. Damn that food looks good!

    XOXO Sade

  2. Hi, lovely picz you have there and as for the Food i dont want to look @ it twice cos i am in a Fast.


Thanks for the comments, really appreciate them! x


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